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mercredi, 19 mars 2008

Hey you!!!

Yeah you!!! Don't play innocent you know who i'm talking to......... Wow, that was a promise tough to keep for what? 2 days impressive!!! Hopefully i don't remember asking you to keep your word aboiut something else, it's in the vault as they say in Seinfeld (ahhhhhhh Seinfeld ma série culte faudra que j'y revienne pour vous mes autres lecteurs!)

So you know from my email i'm not very happy about this, i even thought about calling you just to wake you up in the middle of the night, that could be something not too hard for me due to jet lag, pleasant for my nerves which are in full electrical state because of you!!! Yeah well no not because of this week-end, they were more in a complete shutdown phase but now everything is crackling again!

Hmmmmmmmm maybe you don't realize how i manipulated you in thinking i didn't want you to find this blog while i wanted you to read every single page, in french, you won't be disappointed, in the same sense as saturday email or maybe worse even!

Anyway, don't really care anymore, all in all, you won't find here much more than was already in my email du samedi but in much longer versions and very more french and, since we know where it's getting us, big deal! Although, i can already tell you : je ne jette pas l'éponge si facilement! Figure out the translation yourself now, et toc ;-)

Hmmmmmmm now regretting not to have touch your "babies" more than i did when you were not there ;-) (euh ouais je réalise que pour le commun des lecteurs cette phrase peut prêter à confusion et éventuellement générer quelques pensées pas très catholiques, mais je vous rassure ce n'est pas ça du tout, soit je vis dans le péché souvent mais là c'est très chaste ce dont je parle!)

Guess i'll put my note online again (i even should write a follow up on it) since i like it and you already arrived here...

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