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mercredi, 19 mars 2008

Vraiment, j'aime bien


Bon , malgré tout je suis bien contente d'avoir vu Juno, dimanche soir. Ça m'a bien changé les idées même si la fin m'a un peu flinguée je me serai bien arrêtée après l'accouchement et basta, mais bon! c'est juste moi qui n'apprécie pas le spectacle du bonheur en ce moment, argh je vais finir aigrie si ça continue! Et puis je ne peux plus parler de certaines choses sur ce blog à cause d'une révélation malencontreuse au cours d'un moment de tristesse absolue, on ne m'y reprendra plus!

Par contre je me délecte de la bande originale. Amusant d'ailleurs car je l'ai bien aimé pendant le film mais sans plus, à part pour Superstar, voir il y a 2 jours. Mais là cette chanson, juste avant Superstar (quelle horreur d'ailleurs, j'ai réalisé que quand moi je la chante ça sonne plus Carpenters que Sonic Youth, shame on me!) justement si on écoute dans l'ordre il me semble bien, me plait beaucoup.

Il s'agit de Loose lips de Kimiya Dawson qui fait la continuité du film aves ses différentes chansons verbo-motrices tout simples, trop mignon, voici les paroles, un peu denses, non? Doit falloir travailler son souffle pour chanter tout ça en quoi 2 minutes et même pas 30 secondes!

free music

loose lips might sink ships but loose kissess take trips
to san francisco, double dutch disco,
tech tv hottie, do it for scotty
do it for the living and do it for the dead
do it for the monsters under your bed
do it for the teenagers and do it for your mom
broken hearts hurt but they make us strong and
we won't stop until somebody calls the cops
and even then we'll start again and just pretend that
nothing ever happened
we won't stop until somebody calls the cops
and even then we'll start again and just pretend that
nothing ever happened
we're just dancing, we're just hugging,
singing, screaming, kissing, tugging
on the sleeve of how it used to be
how's it gonna be?
i'll drop kick russell stover, move into the starting over house
and know matt rouse and jest are watching me achieve my dreams
and we'll pray, all damn day, every day,
that all this shit our president has got us in will go away
while we strive to figure out a way we can survive
these trying times without losing our minds
so if you wanna burn yourself remember that I LOVE YOU
and if you wanna cut yourself remember that I LOVE YOU
and if you wanna kill yourself remember that I LOVE YOU
call me up before your dead, we can make some plans instead
send me an IM, i'll be your friend
shysters live from scheme to scheme and my 4th quarter pipe dreams
are seeming more and more worth fighting for
so i'll curate some situations, make my job a big vacation
my war paint is sharpie ink and i'll show you how much my shit stinks
and ask you what you think because your thoughts and words are powerful
they think we're disposable, well both my thumbs opposable
are spelled out on a double word and triple letter score
we won't stop until somebody calls the cops
and even then we'll start again and just pretend that
nothing ever happened
we won't stop until somebody calls the cops
and even then we'll start again and just pretend that
nothing ever happened
we're just dancing, we're just hugging,
singing, screaming, kissing, tugging
on the sleeve of how it used to be

Voila j'aime bien quoi!