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jeudi, 11 mars 2010

Commentaires 1ère partie

Bon dimanche presso,

so how is it going with the snowstorm? Can you still see your car on the  street?

Ok, as promised yesterday (btw the skype connection was really good, maybe it  works better when we don't try to speak french;-)), I'll give you some  comments regarding your email. Don't really know how to start with. Maybe with  me in Mtl 2006 to your summer vacation to m Mtl visit last year. So I'll clarify the things regarding mixed-signals, hard2get etc. If something is  unclear to you, please ask for more clarification (bizarre car quand je l'ai fait par la suite, il me disait rien de plus clair)!

When I was in Mtl in 2006, it was very nice how you took time to take care of  me e.g. driving to Qbc city etc. and after we met a few times, I had the  impression that I was a nice change to your "usual" weekend program;-), but  there was nothing more than friendship. Also the last evening I was a little
bit surprised that you wanted to meet me again, because we said goodbye  already the day earlier as far as I remember, but you wanted to give me  presents for la frangine, so you had a good explanation. I was even more surprised,  when you asked me to go to your new apartment and I had the impression you  needed some "courage" to ask me this. Since you didn't have any futon at your apartment that time, it was pretty safe for me to go there with you;-). And  when there was this mess with the alarm system I was thinking, ok, you wanted  me to join due to possible problems with the alarm system.

When you came to Aachen for you summer vacation of course I wanted to take  care of you as well, in return how you took take of me when I was in Mtl. And  from my side it was only friendship and I thought from your side as well. But  on this monday with meilleure amie I noticed that there was more from your side  (maybe I should've noticed this earlier as well, don't know).  I noticed it by the way you looked at me (nan mais il est trop observateur bfc), when meilleure amie was proposing that I should visit you in Paris and you didn't say anything directly afterwards.
And since for me it was clearly only friendship, I didn't want to mess  anything up and decided not to go to Apollo with you and go home.
Regarding your Paris weekend, I was very very unsure if I should come or not,  cause I knew there was more from your side than from my side, that's why I send all those SMS, I just didn't know whether to go or not.

When then later came your invitation to Mtl, I was in the planning phase of my  vacation and the day earlier when you sent me the email, my friend told me he  couldn't get vacation at that time for going to Mallorca. So I was pretty  disappointed and also bored from the last months in Aachen, cause the first
months of 2007 were so exciting with Australia and Helsinki. So I decided to take the "risk" to visit you in Mtl and I thought "let's see what will happen  there". Worst case would be you kick me out and I'd have to take a hotel;-). The reason why it took me some days to approach you at your place, was that I
saw you more as a friend than as a "maitresse" ;-). But it got tougher and  tougher from evening to evening, because I saw how much you wanted it (nan mais le culot! Vexée comme un pou je suis à chaque fois que je lis ça!!! Comme ça, on pourrait croire que j'ai fait du rentre-dedans comme c'est pas possible alors que pas du tout!!! Sauf le matin même... et en version ultra soft!) and, well, at some point I wanted it as well ;-).

Wow, long email, maybe my record. If you have questions, need clarifications (pourquoi il demande 2 fois???) (le tout pour rien en définitive!), etc., then ask s'il te plait!

More comments to your samedi email are coming then the next days.




Ma réponse - je voulais rectifier 2-3 trucs!


Bon dimanche to you as well,

wow very long email indeed!!!

News from my car : still visible, but a lot of snow will have to be removed for me to get out! All i hope is that they won't start the desnowing tonight so i don't have to look for (or more precisely to dig for) another parking space cause it will be tough, will keep my fingers crossed! Still snowing a bit

Ok i need to rectify something about your last evening in Mtl, don't see more in it than it was, because it wasnt "planned" or anything, im not that conniving ;-) i had la frangine's gifts and then i was in a pretty euphoric mood (yeah alone i'd praobably have attracted a lot of weirdos because i was
smiling a lot by myself ;-) ) and very excited due to signing for my apartment, and then i celebrated a little with a friend, ended up a little light headed and yeah i wanted to check the alarme system thing before everyone would be in vacation at the contractor office to be able to go in my appartment during the vacations so i asked you as a friend and maybe needed courage cause it was not the most interesting to propose on your last evening! But as you could see, you helped a lot!

I think we had a drink after and it's only then i thought i'd miss you, i didn't really know on what level, as a friend for sure, as a nice change to my usual routine as well of course and euh dare i say it? "using" you (i mean just mentioning i was out with Michael, without implying anything else, was more than enough believe me ;-) ) a bit to get back at my ex who was harrassing me quite a bit not in a nice way after not really appreciating me dumping him a few weeks ago!

Yeah and i was depressed a bit the day after, hopefully i went to see this great cult movie (ze père nowel est unr ordure of course!) which changed my ideas a bit and then it was christmas and everything so i wasnt thinking too much and then life goes on (song from the beatles that gets on my nerves) so more or less passed to something else until summer vacation!
So yeah in A*** i think "it" was "triggered" by seeing you too much ;-) because it was not part of my initial plan (didn't really have a plan either). But i must admit i might have tried something (if you had not been so tall ;-) ) after the K*** evening, probably because you were a bit the savior of my
evening (la frangine wnated to go to bed at what 22h??? Very vacation-like ;-) ) and i think there was another day before Jul arrival where i thought whether i should say/do something but i wimped out a bit and yeah i was leaving in 2 days so.......

And meilleure amie arrived and it got a bit out of hands due to her well known subtlety ;-) Weird cause i don't remember specifically the visiting me in PAris moment and looking at you and not saying anything direct, but it was probably going on for the whole evening and you only noticed it at that point, cause Jul and i had a lot to drink, and not only when you were there ;-)

oh yeah and the sms after that, aaaaaaargh! take a decision pleaaaaase ;-) and as i told you i'd have no problem with a straight "no" except for the initial disapointment of course, this can happen but yes no maybe not sure i dont know no but yes yes but no what can i say other than "aaaaaaaaaargh!!!" ;-) I didn't even enjoy any of the numerous (too many even, i'm not sure what was in the air) proposed "distractions" in the south of france since the suspense was killing me ;-)

Yeah and in paris i got caught in a flow of stuff to do, people to see (except i remeber spending my saturday evening alone at my cousin's place, not the best, calculation error!) and thinking that it was not so bad you didn't come, not giving me the choice whether i should "take care" of you or see my family, would have been tough to choose ;-)

And then back to Mtl! Yeah i was very happy you came but very nervous as well! not knowing what to do of you ;-) (i had a few ideas but...) Not sure maybe i was over interpreting but it seemed to me you looked kind of surprised when i offered you my sooo nice futon as a bed but at this point i didn't see what else i could do ;-) (ok didn't think you'd be a bit too tall for it so maybe it was a horrific stare instead of a surprised one, should have know cause my boston friend is very tall as well and he slept on it quite a few times and complained) (didn't think about the bonus vibrations as well you were spoiled   ;-)) (and i didn't see the trucks and vibrations as an incentive for you to make a move, this i can guarantee, but i'll remember the trick ;-) )

Hmmmmm other than that for now no questions or clarifications needed for the rest at least at this moment, it's pretty clear ;-) i'll wait for the rest!

well that was pretty long as well and i'm not drunk or under drugs ;-)

Bon après-midi,

08:02 Publié dans La saga du germain | Lien permanent | Commentaires (6) | |


I hope it does not take you such a long time to make love together and that you do not speak whilst.

Écrit par : Bardamu | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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Oh la la, whilst, qu'est-ce que tu causes bien Bardamu.

Pour info, l'hm me tenait toujours de grands discours (d'une originalité et d'un inétrêt très relatifs) pendant les moments critiques, ce qui me tombait royalement sur les rognons...
Je ne pense pas que bfc pouvait se plaindre de ce coté là...

Par contre, pour toi, faut être muet comme une carpe???

Écrit par : presso | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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I must admit at this time that I don't make any difference between BFC, HM and others (if there are others). You should add a little sketch each time to make it easier for new readers.
(Liked my whilst, baby? It's coming from my use of an old Harraps dictionnary (1930) when I am translating Shakespeare's poems.)

Écrit par : Bardamu | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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C'est exactement ce que je m'étais dit : très shakespearien!

Je te résume très vite (parce que je suis pas bonne ne dessin et je vois pas trop quel "sketch" faire...) (ou alors une "flèche du temps?) depuis la création de ce blog :

- bfc : aka le germain, aka VSQ, aka vous savez qui, à distance mais trèèèèès bien jusqu'à il y a 2 ans tout rond où plus bien du tout de son coté et ensuite plus du tout du mien non plus parce que larmes tout ça. Se dit "ami" mais des amis comme ça, ben on s'en passe très bien (même si j'ai encore un peu de mal). bfc = big fat connard

- l'hm : brève rencontre juillet 2007 avant retrouvailles bfc, ouais bon ben bof, bfc entre en scène, exit l'hm. Mais rebelote (par désoeuvrement) depuis juillet 2009, ouais bon ben bof et re-stop depuis décembre. L'hm = l'homme marié. En décembre, il a décidé de retourner avec femme et enfant. Et c'est pas comme si je lui avais demandé quoique ce soit de ce coté là. Ah oui, on est + ou - amis accessoirement. Enfin plus lui que moi.

- PAM : avril-juin 2009. Très chouette jusqu'à plus chouette parce que pas bien dans sa tête quand même. PAM = perfection au masculin. Oui j'ai cru que ça existait mais non, voyons, à quoi pensais-je? donc maintenant c'est ironique mais on est quand même en bons termes.

- Le sudiste : juin-juillet 2009. Pendant mes vacances toulonnaises. Chouette divertissement. Petit (enfin grand) jeune (je suis l'ancêtre) (mais vu qu'il me donnait son âge, j'ai joué le jeu), assez spectaculaire! Pectoraux grandioses! A quelques petits trucs à apprendre sur les femmes, se montre élève studieux et appliqué (mais un peu paresseux). J'aurais eu quelques semaines / mois de plus, les progrès auraient été encore plus spectaculaires. Je pense que quelques toulonnaises devraient me dire merci à genoux!

2010 = calme ultra plat (de ce coté là, parce que pour le reste, un peu moins d'agitation serait apprécié) donc pas de nouvelles abbréviations pour le moment, à part mes relations boulot (ex. le CM = mon chef mécan0, le 9/10, mon boss (mais moi j'ai eu 10/10 au test, na), MEEM = mecan0 que j'avais envie d'étrangler et qui a démissionné avant (par contre là, yen a d'autres que j'ai envie de torturer!))

Écrit par : presso | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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Quelque peu laborieux (voire balourd en certains cas), ce Germa1n.
J'ai un peu l'impression de lire une scène de ménage d'un couple qui se serait séparé et règlerait des comptes lors de retrouvailles inopinées (mais c'est bien sûr subjectif...).
(Sans jugement de valeur aucun.)

Écrit par : galuchon | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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Bah si, il y a de ça, t'as raison. Je le voyais juste pas du tout sous cet angle à l'époque...

Mais ouais, balourd, ça reflète pas mal le bonhomme ;-)

Écrit par : presso | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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