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jeudi, 11 mars 2010

Email du samedi

Alors, le voici, le voila, tout en english, avec tout pleins de fautes de frappe. Bfc aimait bien quand je lui écrivais en état d'ébriété. Mais là, en me relisant, il y a des trucs que je trouve pas fastoche à décoder... Oh et puis je le trouve pas mal cet email en fait!

Après, il y a la réponse du crétin. Un bout du mail avait été coupé, il avait raté des trucs critiques. Mais bon, c'est moi ou la réponse n'est pas hyper révélatrice de la tendance finale? Ce qui m'énerve, c'est l'usage du ";-)" final...



Michael, Michael, Michael,

you can already admire the amplitude of my inspiration can't you ;-)
Just arriving from a taxi who took from a fries shop where we finished a very alcoolized evening which started pretty calmly by an orgy of "crepes" splashed by some very good cider brought by me. Of course we had one or 2 or 3 cocktails (quand on aime on compte pas) before as apetitif and then a few beers after, as a result i must admit i didn't walk too straight until i crashed on my futon where i'm currently
lying down with my laptop warming up my stomach, oh if i was only slightly tired (in my head) i think i could fall asleep like that pretty easily but through my alcohol haze i suspect that i might move and let my laptop drop on the floor, not so good so i think i'll aim at my bed at some point, probably more reasonnable.

The evening was nice, well more than nice probably if it wasn't for one or 2 things, and among those some stuff that made me think about you (not that i need such a specific reason to do so those days unfortunetly...) and drove me crazy a bit (or is it a lot?)... Are you ready? because i know how it starts but not how it'll end...

Ok so here it goes, well might be a bit confused when i was thinking about it earlier during dinner, the argumentation was flowing but now not so much... So 1st start with your email from a few days ago asbout my reasons for paris... Must say it took me by surprise, espcelially considering your relative "enthousiasm" at the idea, yeah i was even under shocke a bit or worse well won't go into all details but it took me a while to figure out how to answer because i don't see it the same way as your rational way, i don't number reasons, and i might do it for some very "dumb" reasons such as i could turn my crepe in the air like a pro so i'll go, dumb example but why not? and i could flip my crepes like a pro so be scared ;-) I don't see you as a rank in my decision but more as, let's see, a potential bonus and maybe somehow an incentive to jump the step because with or without you (let'S sing!) i'm really dumbly scared of doing it but strangely pushed towards it, not sure it's clear, let'S try with an exmaple, it's like i'm hypnotized by a snake......... i'm fascinated and want to see how it goes but at th same time i tnink but he wants to eat me, not good, you see my poiint? Ok now that i think about it i need to say the snake isn't you (i hope) in case you wondered ;-) in that case i think i would not hesitate as much because both options would not be too unbearable ;-)! but clearly paris ore equivalent i've considered for a long time, long before i knew you! But yeah i must say apart from that i clearly like you a lot, not the 1st time i write it yeah looking for another way to put it clearly, but your way of taking things from high or from a distance makes me refrain from all initiatives although i wouldnt mind taking one or 2 because i'm just too unsure?!?!?!?

So we move to knowing you, hmmmmmmm don't remember if i told you that my 1st impression of our 1st evening together was not that good, it's only a day or 2 after my opinion changed a bit, but i was probably a bit unfair considering the context. But usually it's people i don't really like at 1st that i end up going along the best, weeeeeird! Anyway at the time i was in a weird place and i must say spending time with you was like a bubble of fresh air away (were you called fresh air before???) from my own personal little drama, all without hidden intentions (ok not true maybe your last evening but i reasoned myself quite effectively...). So then i was a little down when you left but a few months after i got rid of a lot of dead wood, partrly thanks to you as fresh air, although i made quite a fw very dumb mistakes during that time to think of it! More or less until my summer vacation, hmmmm strange ;-) But 1st half of 2007 is not my proudest moment i have to admit... Tough to write i don't really see my keyboard, not enough
light and it's too far and too cold to turn on a new lamp!

Yeah well the summer... very destabilizing you are, you know? or no i would describe you as "opaque" which is probably more intriguing and attractive than a see thru person this i'll grant you... So yeah your famous hard2get routine, very annoying, i rather have one clear indication positive (yay!) or negative (i'd be dispointed clearly or even worse but at leats i'td be clear and i don't think i'd trun all psychopath in the fatal attraction style so dont worry... and the distance is also quite an advantage for you!) because you should hmmm how do you say this in english argh don't know how too complicated for you in french, well i don't know, give a hint even vague, because i had no clue (and still unclear( where you were standing and this blocks cxompletely all intiatives from my side (such as your first days in mtl, then again besides your decision to come didn't know exactly how to handle the situation, who knows maybe you just wanted to walk around drink and eat, taht's it ;-) although i had set myself a deadline after which i would have taken things into my hands if i can say so, and let's say it was pretty close! but i don't know how you'd have reacted to that??? i didnt want to traumatize you ;-) ), conveneint! I don't know if it it's typical from you, from germans, from 30 something men, all 3, none of it??? Yeah and you really made me crazy with the texts in PAris!!! Aaaaargh not new but obviously youyou master the hard2get and mixed signals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the you force me indirectly into telling you things i'd probably not say in a more clear setting, this i don't like too much, much rather be on the other side of the fence (like i usually am i must say) Yeah and on the same area your answer to my reply to your parsi reason email, very frustrating : ok fine you're not 1 or 2, case closed??? More than 60 km, better luck next time??? Maybe it'S written in german because i don't really understand the conclusion if there's one??? pfff without transition i think about barcelona, mymind is so logical ;-) but we talked a lot about it this evening might explian it... but to go back to my main subject would be nice to go there with you!!!  Love that city and i want at least the sea and the sun ;-)

Anyway i'll stop with the existential quetsions... i think i should go sleep a bit because writing all this doesn,t really help me think about something else, does it? Or i could cite some parts of "Blauen Augen" although i don't see your etes as plain blue? well all that because i love the way you stay calm and relac in all circumstances up until now at least,  even the way you are all structured in things you do, like cooking or closing your rolladen ;-) but sometimes you can be surprising a bit!!! how you take your time for certain things, and other stuff as well such as kissing me (but only after cheking there's nothing good
on tv ;-) to the point i didn't dare a thing so not to disturb in watch whatever show just to pass time since i didn't really understand most of the s action...) and the rest, nice, including morning sessions, toooooo nice (althougfh a shame to miss the rare sunrays sometimes couldn't they wait???) aaaaaah not even one month since i left and i miss those a lot... Next time (???) will have to bypass those, withdrawal is too tough after that without knowing when will be the next!!!!!!!!! Bon not sure it's the best thing to think about to make me fall asleep in my cold bed... will be a shock after using my laptop to warm me! Of course not sur ei'll reach my bed without crashing down first on the way, so wish me luck cause my head is spinning a bit... maybe i should concentrate on things i don't like... aside you being at times very annoying, so many examples yough to choose one ;-) euhhhhhhhh oh yeah when you turn into the mute mode (not that you say much about yourself when mute mode is off), or way worse you not eating exotic food??? BAd, very baaaaad ;-) especially for you, you don't realize what your missing But overall i must say to think about it i'm sure i would miss dearly receiving regular emails from you even if you dont eat nor try fish :-p .........

Bon alors je m'arrête là même si je suis pas certaine i should send all this, what do you think??? I'll go brush my teeth (oh yeah reminds me i never ever noticed your hole) and decide... In the mean time, despute the distance and my sake, i'd like to, how shoud i say, virtually ok can't say it too cheesy ;-) Bon dimanche d'avance unless you're already up???, possible sinc e it'S 4h here

Hmmmmmmmmm might remain unsigned, or high risk that my signature might be very cheesy... ok will play it safe :
Moiiiiiiiiiiii ;-)




No, I'm not disappointed or shocked or surprised by what's written in your  email.
Funny how much you can write when your drunk, I never switched on my laptop  when coming home drunk, maybe I send an SMS once in a while. I'm really not  surprised, by the things your're writing. I won't comment anything (unless you  want me to), at least not right know, maybe on the weekend.

But would be interesting to know, how you come from Paris to Rolladen;-):

PAris!!!Aaaaargh not new but obviously you
- Afficher le texte des messages précédents -
rolladen ;-) but sometimes you can be surprising

You could've sent this email earlier without all the discussions about it;-),
I don't have a problem with anything you write.




03:32 Publié dans La saga du germain | Lien permanent | Commentaires (4) | |


Bon, c'est un peu long pour cet horaire, je lirais plus tard.
Bonne nuit et bonne journée, Miss.

Écrit par : galuchon | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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C'Est long mais ça n'a pas été fatiguant à taper : Ctrl-C et Ctrl-V, et hop ;-)

B'nuit à toi aussi!

Écrit par : presso | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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3 enseignements à tirer de ce texte :
- Tu tiens bien l'alcool.
- Il n'est pas étonnant que bfc (en minuscule) ait eu la trouille devant tant de véhémence (n'y voit rien de négatif de ma part).
- C'est bien un Germain pure saucisse...

Écrit par : galuchon | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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- Ça c'est bien vrai! Mais on dirait que je deviens dyslexique sous influence par contre...

- Oh je le prends pas mal du tout, je suis véhémente, c'est un fait que j'assume totalement ;-) Et dans pas mal de cas, je pense que c'est pas inutile...

- Et pourtant, il m'avait l'air tellement plus "funky" que les 2 autres que je connaissais... Quoique les 2 autres, je les connaissais pas très bien en fait, ceci explique peut-être cela? Bon, alors si je dois éliminer par nationalités comme ça il me reste plus grand monde : pas de français, de québécois, de germains, j'ai des doutes sur les su1sses, qu'est-ce qui me reste (à part 3 milliards d'humains (parfois je me demande)) (enfin 6 et quelques si je drague des filles comme tu le suggérais ;-) )???

Écrit par : presso | jeudi, 11 mars 2010

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