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dimanche, 14 mars 2010

Commentaires 2ème partie

Parce que, vous savez quoi?, en plus ça me fait du bien de commenter les commentaires ;-) Je me sens plus légère après!

Même si je me tape sur les nerfs a posteriori! Je suis beaucoup trop sympa (et trop gourde)!!!



........a mon deuxieme email avec mes commentAIREs (en majuscules c'est les corrections que je faisais à TOUT ce qu'il écrivait en français (avec des explications souvent) - vous imaginez pas le temps que ça me prenait!) au sujet dE ton samedi email.
Je vais ecrire en anglais, parce que j'auraI besoin trop de temps pour  l'ecrire en francais. Mais tu peux repondre en francais et si je ne vais pas  comprendre quelque chose, je vais demander lA traduction en anglais (il va demander à qui? À moi??? Parc que j'ai drôlement envie que n'importe qui soit au courant de tout ça!) (de toute façon j'ai toujours préféré lui écrire en anglais, ça allait plus vite, sinon fallait que je pense à comment dire les choses simplement et vous savez que pour moi c'est pas évident ;-) ).

Ok, some comments regarding my mail I sent some weeks ago regarding your  reasons for going to Paris and your reaction. Well, why I wrote this email,  you've read already, cause I explained it and I guess you've still stored this  email;-).
I was a little bit surprised by your reaction to that email, didn't expect you  take it so "cool". But I was relieved you didn't seem to be too disappointed by that mail.
The thing was that if I remember correctly with my bad memory, that you  started to talk about you Paris job after I left Mtl last September (ben non, pauvre crétin mégalomane, ça datait d'avant, je vais pas prendre une décision de ce genre après qu'on ait passé ensemble 10 jours, certes sympa mais 10 jours quand même) and I was  a little bit surprised, because you talked sooooooo much, but not that much about your Paris plans (j'avais pourtant raconté déjà mes trucs de total). So I had a little bit the impression (and also the fear) (je suis effrayante, c'est clair), that my Mtl visit had to a certain extent to do with your plans for  moving to Paris. And when we were in Paris in january you were quite obsessed by your Paris job (of course you had good reasons to be obsessed, cause it  would be an important step) (et que passer une entrevue, c'est stressant, bordel!) (c'est pas comme s'il avait l'expérience que j'ai en la matière), but since I wasn't sure to what extent I'd  influence your Paris decision (especially since you never asked me about my  opinion about this) (pauvre ptit chou!) (faudrait savoir, hein) I got a little more worried. So at some point I was thinking I should write something about this and sent you this email in january (or was it already february, don't remember). Another thing is also  that I have the impression, that after I wrote this email, it became quite quiet regarding your Paris job (non mais je te dis pas TOUT non plus!) (quand je le dis c'est que je pense que ça l'intéresse!) .

C'est tout! Je dois economiser D'autres commentAIREs pour les autres emails, quE je vais envoyer pendant cette semaine;-). (ah oui, parce que moi sur sur les charbons ardents alors oui, qu'est-ce qu'on se marre c'est vrai, connard!)



Très bien ton 1er paragraphe en français! (parce qu'en plus je suis encourageante, c'est désespérant!)

Commentaires sur tes commentaires, ok? ;-) Ça risque d'être long, attention ;-) (pas la peine d'en rajouter!)

"didn't expect you take it so "cool" " - hmmmmmm how did you want me to take it??? with cries and shouts?????????? And it took me a while to figure how i should answer, because at first i was not "cool" at all with it i must admit but then i thought about it and felt it needed to be said at some point, so no not really disapointed but almost (i repeat almost!) "pleasantly" surprised ;-)

Yeah and for september, purely question of timing because if i remember well the people called me soon before during or after you left, don't quite remember exactly but probably right after. But i had contact with them in june as well i think, but at that time i just started my new job i needed to see the possibilities but then in september i could see it would not suit me long term... But thanks for the comment about me talking soooooooooo much ;-) Doesn't mean that i told you everything yet, i must save a bit for other times! Although i think i might have mentionned that a vague project was to move to europe at some point, no? (mais bien sûr) (c'est juste qu'il écoute pas (ou alors il avait pas "peur" à l'époque donc rien à foutre)) Cause i had a job offer in june 2006, i might have started working in Lyon in August 2006 and never met you, so saaaaaad it would have been ;-)

So in january i was obsessed by the paris job??? Really??? I was stressed out this i give you! I,m always stressed before interviews whether i'm interested or not because i want to perform, i was the same when i was doing stage  acting. But obsessed??? ok maybe but as you say it's a major decision! So sorry i bothered you with my paris job obsession, it was not intentional ;-) (hmmmm là je plaisante ou quoi? Je vais pas m'excuser d'exister aussi!!!) and no i think you wrote in january since my email du samedi was from february 2nd (jour des crêpes)...

In some way i find funny you think i should ask you your opinion on whether i should go for Paris or not. At what title??? that's the problem with very fuzzy thing we have "together", no? Hard to define for me, and for you? I don't mind at all if you give me your opinion on the question (although i felt until now it was very negative... intentionally to discourage me or not???) (ah ça oui, vive les encouragements!), on the opposite i like that you kind of give a damn (depending why you do of course) (tout est là!) but i think i have to decide for myself until further notice, don't you think? For example, for you and den haag, i would not feel comfortable at this point if you'd ask me what should i do? I can give you my opinion in saying if i were you i'd do this or that, think about pros and cons but if i was to tell you stay in A***, and you'd go (or the opposite) what would it mean??? Ok the example might not be too good because for me whether you go or not doesn't change much things whether i'm in Paris or not, while my decision is changing a bit more or is it really? Maybe for you it is better to have me an ocean away rather than 3-4 hours by train, i don't know??? (of course, comme ça il peut faire le sale boulot en plusieurs emails) Ok but let's go for it, consider the question asked now : so what's your "objective" opinion on my paris decision? (là, à la suite de ça, mega douche froide quand il m'a répondu que je surestimais les choses, que c'était une opinion strictement à titre d'ami (avec des amis comme ça, hein, on va pas loin) qu'il voulait me donner, que je sautais trop vite aux conclusions) (si tu disais les choses clairement aussi, pas après 150 000 commentaires, on en serait pas là)

"I have the impression, that after I wrote this email, it became quite quiet regarding your Paris job" - again what do you mean? I didn't wait for your january email to not write back to the paris guy ;-) (et pas le rappeler non plus) (d'ailleurs je lui ai fait le même coup, l'été suivant!) But at this moment i'm asking myself a lot of questions about a lot of things (not only related to you ;-) if that comforts you, but about how i'd feel to leave my parents all alone for ex.) and i feel that if i make contact that will be it, i won't be able to change my mind (although i know i could)... and now that's been so long since i had to write to him i don't really know how to reinitiate ;-) because frankly i want to do it, now it's said!

Ok argh je pars du travail tard à cause de toi!
Une question : combien d'autres emails de commentaires tu prévois?


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