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mardi, 16 mars 2010

Commentaires 3ème partie (avant derniers, ouf!)

Les avant-derniers commentaires (12 mars 2008) - du réchauffé en fait tellement c'était prévisible!


Bon, comments partie numero trois, parce-que j'ai le temps aujourd'hui et je ne sais pas, si je vais avoir le temps demain, mais j'ecris en anglais, so be prepared (hopefully you won't get shocked or dissapointed) (Huh???) :

The thing is that I'm used to have a lot of time for myself and also time to think about things (le truc c'est pas qu'il pense!) (fortunately or unfortunately, don't know) (c'est-y de l'humour?). So basically my  "silence periods" occured cause I needed some (silent) (sous entendant que je suis bruyante?) time to think. The thing is that your visit was not too easy for me (poor me) (ben oui pauvre petit), since not seeing each other for months and then a few days together in a row 24h per day was tough for me (bis). But I want to point out that it has nothing to do with you personally (oh mais ça c'est censé être une bonne nouvelle peut-être?), it's just that I'm not used to spend my time with someone "around the clock" some days in a row (ah tiens, j'avais pas remarqué!).
When I was at Mtl, no problem, cause I had the morning and afternoon for myself and the evening (and night;-)) (ah donc on va m'accuser pour les morning sessions) with you, like this I could keep the suspense (yen a qui ont le suspense fastoche!) and the pleasure of seeing you again in the evening.
And I had the impression that you really enjoyed spending all complete days together with me in Aachen (j'en déduis que j'étais censée faire la gueule moi aussi?), so I didn't dare to tell you, cause I didn't know  how you would react and I wanted that you can enjoy your vacation (trop gentil) and don't  get disappointed (oh ben oui c'est tellement mieux de se sentir comme l'emmerdeuse de service que d'être déçue!).
The first days (enfin les 48 premières heures...) it was nice for me, then it got more and more difficult for me (pauvre ptit chou!).
Worst was the day we travelled to Paris, where I was thinking whether it wouldn't have been better to work those days (tiens donc et moi je pensais que c'était plus agréable de voyager moi toute seule qu'avec lui (parce que je lui avais filé le coté fenêtre)). But again, it's not due to you (ben non, c'est tout à fait rassurant pour moi ça) and I really (il exagère pas un peu avec son really?) enjoyed (je pense que je sais ce qu'il a préféré!) the days with you in Paris (ben voui moi je me suis tapée le trajet du parfait touriste juste pour lui quand même), I just needed some time for myself. The last days it got better again, seems I got used to it ;-) (je suis donc une habitude qui s'acquiert?) (ou alors c'est qu'à la fin la délivrance se rapprochait).

And, was this what you had in mind, could've caused my "silence periods"?? (Bien sûr!)




Pffffff just got out of another boring phone cnference, just in time almost to see your comments #3 mail arrive!

Je dois dire que j'étais un peu inquiète avec ton "so be prepared (hopefully you won't get shocked or dissapointed)" but now i feel kind of relieved (mouais, gourde, ce n'était que partie remise en fait!)!

And yeah, pooooor you ;-) but you're very predictible ;-) since it's more or less exactly what i thought and i could really feel the "uneasiness" (tu parles!) the day we went to Paris, very very clearly even i'd say! Then i don't remember exactly what you said at some point during the evening at the rhumerie but it seemed like a pretty clear illustration of that, so i was a little bit defensive and then the fish comments you made at some point really really (really) annoyed me because of this tension, i don't think it would have had that effect in another context! And you made once or twice remarks about not being able to play guitar or go to the gym or whatever, this i resented a little also cause i would not have mind AT ALL to be left alone or even sent away for a while... (all is in the way it's said, of course if you had told me "Get the hell out!" might not have appreciated it ;-) ) and never nice to feel like a "boulet" (check the dictionnary i don't know how to say it in english??? or is it ball and chain??? not sure) or a waste of vacation days ;-) (ce ";-)" est vraiment hors propos, le gaspillage de jours de vacances m'est resté en travers de la gorge! et moi je devais dire quoi avec mes 3 petites semaines???)

It was weird for me as well the 24 hour round per day but the context was slightly different since i was not in my element, not in my city etc. but yeah can't say i'm so used to it either. But overall i really really liked spending time with you except in those moments (où d'avoir personne valait mieux qu'avoir quelqu'un en face ou à coté qui tire la gueule), so you see if you'd have said something (nicely of course ;-) ), you'd have spared us both ;-) (je m'exaspère avec tous ces ";-)" - mécanismes d'auto-défense, me voila!) Anyway this is a good learning for another time (?) (on s'avance, on s'avance!)!


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